Often worn by Muslim women to adhere to Islamic dress codes, burkinis are at the heart of a fierce debate over the French government’s ability to decide what people can wear in public. Makers of the swimsuits say the furor is giving their products big publicity around the globe. Kausar Sacranie, who sells burkinis through[…]
Aisha Gani / BuzzFeed Among businesses selling hijabs and entrepreneurs selling chocolate-covered dates, designer Kausar Sacranie is talking to the women huddled around her stall at a Muslim lifestyle festival in London where she is displaying her latest collection of burkinis. “Is it lightweight?” asks one woman in a shalwar kameez. “What colours do[…]
PARIS – After a month of intense national scandal and heightened international outrage, France’s highest administrative court, the Conseil d’Etat, on Friday overturned the burkini ban in a coastal area of the south of France. Imposed in the name of secularism, perhaps France’s most sacred ideal, the highly controversial burkini bans – currently affecting 25[…]
(CNN) French mayors do not have the right to ban burkinis, the French Council of State ruled Friday, suspending the bans already in place in a number of French cities and towns. Arguments in France’s highest administrative court this week have focused on the southern town of Villeneuve-Loubet, near Nice. But the ruling affects cities across[…]
Den britiske designer Kausar Sacranie og hendes virksomhed Modestly Active står bag den muslimske badedragt burkinien, der er blevet forbudt flere steder Frankrig. Foto: Leonora Beck/AP Den kropsdækkende muslimske badedragt, burkinien, virker provokerende på franskmænd, som mener, at synlige religiøse symboler strider mod republikkens principper. Det fortæller Henrik Prebensen, der er seniorforsker i fransk på[…]